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After almost 25 years of activity in the field of urban regeneration and innovation, in private companies and public administrations , working in Italy and abroad, I embarked on the adventure of creating a new project: Shared Urban Value (VUC)




Over the years my specialization has become to assemble plans, programs and projects for local change, starting from ideas - mine, but above all of others - defining them better, studying all aspects of feasibility, listening to and mediating between the needs, interests and languages of actors different, seeking the resources necessary to implement them.

In my experience, I have had the opportunity to work with communities, citizens and the third sector, with businesses and large urban functions and with public entities, observing how collaboration between these realities is still little valued.

Above all, I have noticed that private actors (companies, of all sizes and types, from large corporate to shops, and business foundations) and large entities (universities, cultural bodies, infrastructures, health care, etc.) are rarely involved since I start through their visions, skills and resources to make the places where they are located more cohesive, inclusive, attractive, sustainable, safe.

The third sector and communities are sometimes involved but often in a top down, selective and rigid way. And finally I observed that the public sector has recently understood the importance of fostering innovation and social impact, the active role of other urban agents, and has begun to prepare suitable methods and tools.

The time is therefore ripe to innovate and make urban and territorial transformation a matter for everyone!

Short Bio di Anna Prat

Main professional experiences

Development Manager of the Periphery Plan, Municipality of Milan
Director of Large Urban Projects, Municipality of Turin, and Director of the Association
Turin International
Project manager, Finpiemonte SpA
Adjunct Professor of Urban Planning of Tourist Places, University of Eastern Piedmont
Associate, Locum Destination / Colliers
Project Manager, Ecosfera spa, Rome
Economic planner, Ove Arup and Partners, London


Degree in architecture at the Polytechnic of Turin
Master in Urban and Regional Planning Studies at the London School of Economics

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